
Visit to Islam Korea Seoul Central Mosque 2016-03-24

Secretary-General Son Se-joo(left), President Choi, Youngkil(Hamid)(Center), Imam A. Rahman LEE, Ju-Hwa(Right)

Secretary-General Son Se-joo visited Islam Korea Seoul Central Mosque on 22 March(TUE) for a meeting with the president of Korea Muslim Federation, Dr. Choi, Youngkil(Hamid), Imam of Korea Muslim Federation, A.Rahman Lee, Ju-Hwa and Chairman of Halal Overseas Business Team, Muhammed Kim Dong soo to promote Korea-Arab relations through close cooperation.

According to the estimation by Korea Muslim Foundation, there are 15 mosques, and 80 provisional prayer rooms for 35,000 Korean muslims and 100,000 non-Korean muslims in Korea. Seoul Central Mosque accommodates around 1,200 muslims for the Friday prayer. 

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