02.16 | The 19th Board of Directors Meeting |
03.21 | Forum on investment environment and promising industries in the UAE and Saudi Arabia |
03~05 | Special Lecture Series on the Arab world |
04~08 | The 2nd Korea-Arab Picture Book Translation Contest |
05~10 | Korea-Arab Youth Supporters |
05.15 | Quiz on Arab |
06. 01 | Jeju Forum: Arab Ambassadors’ Roundtable |
06~07 | The 16th Korea-Arab Friendship Caravan |
06~07 | Hyundai Department Store’s cultural exhibition “Arabian days and nights” |
07~08 | The 12th Arab Film Festival |
08~11 | Korea-Arab Startup Pitch Competition |
10.17 | Korea-Arab Business Forum: Seminar on Unlocking Opportunities: Building Bridges for South Korean Companies in the MENASA region with Dubai Airport Free Zone |
11.01 | 2023 Korea-MENA Food and Energy Security Forum |
11.07 | The 19th Korea-Middle East Cooperation Forum |
11.10 | The 3rd Asia-Pacific Young Leaders Forum |
11.15 | The 16th Arab Cultural Festival: Korea-Arab eSports Tournament |
12.07 | Arabic Speech, Writing, Poetry Recitation, Calligraphy Competition |
01. 25 | The 18th Board of Directors Meeting |
03 ~11 | Second Publication of Handbook on Arab |
04 ~07 | Business Lecture on the Arab World |
04 ~07 | On-line K-Pop Contest for Arabs (Yalla! K-Pop) |
04 ~08 | Korea-Arab Picture Book Translation Contest |
04 ~10 | Korea-Arab Youth Supporters |
04 ~11 | Diplomats’ Daily Life on YouTube |
05 ~12 | Special Lecture on the Arab world |
06. 08 | Seminar on Investment Opportunities in the GCC |
06. 15 | Seminar on Korea-Egypt Energy Cooperation and Strategy |
06. 25 | The 15th Korea-Arab Friendship Caravan |
06 ~11 | Korea-Arab Startup Pitch Competition |
07. 14 | The 11th Arab Film Festival |
08. 25 | Korea-Arab Food Security Forum 2022 |
09. 15 | Jeju Forum: Arab Ambassadors’ Roundtable |
09. 16 | The 15th Arab Cultural Festival |
09. 16 | K-Medi Fam Tour |
11. 11 | Korean Cultural Experience Program |
11. 18 | The 18th Korea-Middle East Cooperation Forum |
03.25 | The 17th Board of Directors Meeting | |
04.07 | GCC-Korea Business Forum | |
06.09 | The 14th Arab Cultural Festival | |
06.25 | Int’l Conference by the KAALL | |
06~11 | Korea-Arab Youth Supporters | |
07~10 | Korea-Arab Startup Pitch Competition | |
08.21 | The 14th Korea-Arab Friendship Caravan | |
08.26 | Korea-Arab Future Cooperation Forum | |
09.02 | The 10th Arab Film Festival | |
09.14 | Webinar on the EXPO 2020 Dubai | |
9~12 | Cookery Class on Arabic Cuisine | |
10.14 | Special Lecture on the Arab world | |
10.15 | KAS Goodwill Ambassador | |
11.08 | The 17 Korea-Middle East Cooperation Forum | |
11.12 | Arabic Speech and Writing Contest | |
11.18 | Webinar on Food Security | |
11~12 | Logo contest commemorating ties with Korea | |
12.03 | Korean Cultural Experience Program | |
12.11 | Joint Autumn Symposium of KAMES-KAS | |
12.21 | Webinar on introduction of Investment in the UAE |
04.06 | The 16th Board of Directors Meeting (written resolution) |
07.16 | The 9th Arab Film Festival |
10.15 | The 13th Arab Cultural Festival: Arab Pavilion |
11.06 | Joint Symposium by IMEA(Institute of Middle Eastern Affairs) of Myongji Univ. |
11.25 | 2020 Arab Travel Photo Exhibition |
12.17 | The 13th Korea-Arab Friendship Caravan |
12.21 | Online Arab Lecture Series |
12. | Korean Film Festival(Production of Arabic subtitles) |
02.14 | The 15th Board of Directors Meeting |
04.03 | Special Lecture by First Secretary of Algeria |
05.22 | Special Lecture by Ambassador of Lebanon |
05.28 | Special Lecture by Ambassador of Morocco |
06.05 | The 8th Arab Film Festival |
06.28 | The 12th Arab Cultural Festival |
08.31 | Korea-Saudi Youth Exchange Program |
09.26 | Special Lecture by Ambassador of Oman |
10.18 | The 12th Korea-Arab Friendship Caravan |
10.25 | Special Lecture by Ambassador of Jordan |
10.30 | Special Lecture by Ambassador of Egypt |
11.13 | The 16th Korea-Middle East Cooperation Forum |
11.22 | Special Lecture by Ambassador of Tunisia |
11.23 | Korean Film Festival |
12.06 | Joint Symposium by IMEA of Myongji Univ. |
12.22 | Korea-Arab Youth Exchange Program to Oman and UAE |
02.08 | The 14th Board of Directors Meeting |
03.23 | Special Lecture by Ambassador of Jordan |
04.04 | Special Lecture by Ambassador of Tunisia |
04.10 | Special Lecture by Ambassador of Kuwait |
05.02 | The 11th Arab Cultural Festival : “C-Festival” Arab Pavilion |
06.01 | The 7th Arab Film Festival |
08.26 | Korea-Saudi Youth Exchange Program |
10.14 | The 11th Korea- Arab Friendship Caravan |
10.26 | Special Lecture by Ambassador of Oman |
10.31 | The 15th Korea- Middle East Cooperation Forum |
11.07 | Korean Film Festival |
11.16 | Joint Symposium by IMEA of Myongji Univ. |
02.07 | The 13th Board of Directors Meeting |
05.15 | The Korea-Arab Next-Generation Leaders’ Forum |
05.16 | Special Lecture by Ambassador of Algeria |
05.17 | Special Lecture by Ambassador of Jordan |
05.19 | Special Lecture by Ambassador of Egypt |
05.24 | Special Lecture by Ambassador of Tunisia |
05.25 | Special Lecture by Ambassador of Oman |
06.01 | The 6th Arab Film Festival |
06.24 | 2017 Iftar reception |
08.30 | The 10th Arab Cultural Festival |
10.21 | The 10th Korea-Arab Friendship Caravan |
11.03 | Special Lecture by Counsellor of United Arab Emirates |
11.18 | Korean Film Days |
11.24 | Joint Symposium by IMEA of Myongji Univ. |
11.28 | The 14th Korea-Middle East Cooperation Forum |
01.29 | Korea-Saudi Youth Exchange Program |
03.15 | The 12th Board of Directors Meeting |
04.29 | Special Lecture by Ambassador of Oman |
05.04 | The 9th Arab Cultural Festival : “C-Festival” Arab Pavilion |
05.20 | Special Lecture by Ambassador of Tunisia & Ambassador of Algeria |
05.26 | The 5th Arab Film Festival |
06.01 | Special Lecture by Deputy Head of Mission of Morocco |
07.02 | 2016 Hello Arab, Iftar |
08.28 | Korea-Saudi Youth Exchange Program |
09.21 | Lecture by Prominent Arab Dignitary |
10.05 | 2016 Seoul Art Market, PAMS Night |
10.06 | Special Lecture on the Arab world |
10.13 | Arab Film Forum |
10.16 | The 9th Korea- Arab Friendship Caravan |
11.06 | The 13th Korea- Middle East Cooperation Forum |
11.09 | Lecture by Prominent Arab Dignitary |
11.18 | Special Lecture by Charge d’Affaires a.i. of Lebanon |
12.02 | Lecture by Prominent Arab Dignitary |
12.02 | Joint Symposium by IMEA of Myongji Univ. |
01.09 | Korean Students' Visit to Saudi Arabia |
03.11 | The 11th Board of Directors Meeting |
05.14 | Support of the Arab · African Federation Symposium of Dongguk University. |
05.28 | Special Lecture by Ambassador of Iraq |
06.04 | The 8th Arab Cultural Festival: the 4th Arab Film Festival |
06.11 | Special Lecture by Ambassador of Oman |
06.12 | Special Lecture by Ambassador of Kuwait |
06.13 | Public Lecture on the Arab World |
06.20 | Public Lecture on the Arab World |
06.23 | Special Lecture on the Arab World |
07.09 | Support of 'Iftar' dinner hosted by MENA Club. |
08.24 | Egyptian Students' Visit to Korea |
09.11 | Special Lecture on the Arab World |
10.06 | Special Lecture on the Arab World |
10.09 | The 8th Korea-Arab Friendship Caravan |
10.23 | Support of the International Symposium of Korea Association of the Middle East Studies. |
10.24 | Support of the KBS World Arabic Radio’s ‘Walkathon’ to celebrate 40th anniversary |
10.26 | The 12th Korea-Middle East Cooperation Forum |
11.17 | Special Lecture on the Arab World |
11.21 | Co-host of the fall Conference with Institute of Middle Eastern Affairs, Myongji University. |
11.22 | K-Youth Career Access to GCC |
12.03 | Special Lecture by Ambassador of Oman |
03.06 | The 9th Board of Directors Meeting |
04.01 | Arabic Language Course-1st Series |
05.21 | The 7th Arab Cultural Festival |
05.27 | Special lecture by the former Prime Minister of Palestine |
05.28 | Special lecture by Ambassador of Oman to Korea |
06.02 | Special lecture by Deputy Head of Mission of the Embassy of Morocco |
06.03 | Special lecture by Ambassador of Iraq to Korea |
06.05 | Special lecture by Ambassador of Algeria to Korea |
06.19 | The 7th Arab Cultural Festival: Arab Film Festival |
06.23 | Public Lecture Series on the Arab World |
09.02 | Arabic Language Course-2nd Series |
09.26 | Special lecture by Ambassador of Egypt to Korea Support of the International Symposium of the Korean Association of Islamic Studies. |
10.26 | The 7th Korea-Arab Caravan |
10.29 | The 10th Board of Directors Meeting |
11.06 | The 5th Jeju Youth Forum |
11.27 | Co-host of the 2014 Joint Symposium with the Institute of Middle Eastern Affairs of Myongji university |
12.12 | Moroccan Students' Visit to Korea |
12.21 | Korean Students' Visit to Oman |
02.06 | The 8th Board of Directors Meeting |
04.09 | Lecture Series by the Arab Ambassador to Korea |
05.04 | Support of the Symposium of the Korean Association of Islamic Studies |
05.10 | Korean Speech Contest |
06.05 | The 6th Arab Cultural Festival |
06.10 | The 1st GCC-Korea Trade & Investment Forum |
06.24 | Libyan·Egyptian Students' Visit to Korea |
07.04 | Arab Language Course-1st Series |
10.05 | The 6th Korea-Arab Friendship Caravan |
10.11 | Support of the International Symposium of Korea Association of the Middle East Studies. |
10.22 | The 10th Korea-Middle East Cooperation Forum |
10.24 | The 4th Jeju Youth Forum |
10.29 | Arab Language Course-2nd Series |
10.30 | Support of the 2nd Arab & Islam Cultural Week |
11.15 | Arab Travel Photo Contest & Exhibition 2013 |
11.16 | Jordanian Students' Visit to Korea |
11.20 | Field Trip for the Arab Diplomatic Corps |
11.23 | Co-host of the International Conference of Korean Association of Arabic Language & Literature. |
11.24 | Tunisian Students' Visit to Korea |
12.03 | Co-host of 2013 Korean Film Festival in Palestine |
12.18 | Co-host of the International Seminar of Korea Institute for Economic & Trade. |
01.17 | The 6th Board of Directors Meeting History |
05.08 | Special Lecture by Arab Ambassador to Korea |
06.07 | The 5th Arab Cultural Festival |
06.12 | The 7th Board of Directors Meeting |
06.17 | Korea-Saudi Youth Forum |
10.25 | The 3rd Jeju Youth Forum |
11.05 | The 5th Korea-Arab Friendship Caravan |
11.18 | The 9th Korea-Middle East Cooperation Forum |
11.24 | Sudanese Students' Visit to Korea |
12.04 | Invitation of Arab Figure |
12.21 | Korean Students' Visit to Saudi Arabia |
01.13 | The 5th Board of Directors Meeting |
02.11 | GCC Days in Seoul |
05.03 | Special Lecture by Arab Ambassador to Korea |
06.02 | The 4th Arab Cultural Festival |
07.23 | Jordanian King's Academy Students' Visit to Korea |
07.28 | Omani Students Visit to Korea |
09.10 | Invitation of Arab Artists |
09.16 | Support of the UAE's Sharjah Cultural Days. |
10.14 | Support of the 8th Korea-Middle East Cooperation Forum. |
10.17 | The 4th Korea-Arab Friendship Caravan |
12.23 | Korean Students' Visit to Oman |
12.27 | Korea-Arab Next Generation Leaders Meeting |
All-year | Invitation of Arab artists from Lebanon and Tunisia to Korea. |
02.17 | The 4th Board of Directors Meeting |
05.05 | The UAE and Algeria Performances |
05.20 | The 3rd Arab Cultural Festival |
05.25 | Support of the first 'Books & Cultural Exhibition on the Arab-Islam World.' |
06.10 | Korean Film Festival in Palestine |
10.13 | Invitation of Arab Artists |
10.29 | The 3rd Korea-Arab Friendship Caravan |
12.15 | Participation of the 3rd Asia-Middle East Dialogue Ministerial Meeting in Thailand. |
03.22 | Support of the UAE-Korea Modem Art Festival |
04.07 | The 3rd Board of Directors Meeting |
04.20 | Sudanese Performance and Art Exhibition |
05.18 | The 2nd Arab Cultural Festival |
06.05 | Support of the Palestine Art Exhibition |
06.29 | Study Program for Arab Students |
10.14 | The 2nd Korea-Arab Friendship Caravan |
11.04 | The 2nd Korea-Arab Literature Forum |
12.04 | Dispatch of the Samulnori team to Morocco for the 9th Marrakesh Film Festival |
12.08 | Support of the Korea-Arab Symposium |
12.10 | Support of the Korean Movie Festival in Ramallah, Palestine. |
12.18 | Taekwondo Demonstration Performance (Bahrain & Qatar) |
05. | Change of the Society's Name from the 'Middle East Society' to the 'Korea-Arab Society' |
05.26 | International Conference for Launching the ‘Korea-Arab Society’ |
06.05 | The 1st Arab Cultural Festival |
06.30 | The 1st Board of Directors Meeting |
07.09 | Foundation under the Jurisdiction of Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade |
07.28 | Registration of the Incorporated Foundation (Gangnam Register's Office) |
08.26 | Plate-Hanging Ceremony and Reception |
10.17 | The 1st Korea-Arab Friendship Caravan |
10.31 | Designation of Contribution Organization |
11.17 | The 1st Korea-Arab Literature Forum |
12.10 | The 2nd Board of Directors Meeting |
2007 | Discussion about Launching the 'Middle East Society' |